and Play!


Our classes for 2025-2026 are full. Please contact the office to be put on a waitlist.

Financial Aid Applications for 2025-2026 are due on May 1st.


Welcome To Our Preschool!

Holladay Preschool is a special place for children to come together to learn and grow. Our developmental focus is so much more than a head-start on academics. Through intentional play, we address the intellectual, social, emotional & physical development of each child.

For over 60 years, Holladay Preschool students have experienced a wonderful introduction to grade school. Not only are they learning new skills, but they are getting to know and understand themselves, the people around them and the big world they live in!

Watch the video to learn more!

Dress to play

Holladay Preschool students go outside every day unless the temperature is below 25 degrees or the air particulate matter is above 130 AQI.

We have purchase our own Air Quality meter. Please click the link below to access real time air quality for our school.

Purple Air Quality Meter



We're here to help!
Contact us to speak to one of our staff members today!